Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Senator Scott's Committee Assignments

Finance Committee

One of the four "Power" or "Prestige" committees in the Senate, the Finance Committee concerns itself mainly with taxation and other revenue-related measures and issues, according to its website.  The Committee's website also says that since the turn of the 21st Century, the Committee has focused heavily not only on tax, but trade and health issues as well.  New to the Committee, Scott is the youngest and shortest-tenured  Republican member by several years.  I think this has a lot to do with the fact that Scott is undoubtedly a rising start within the party.  He also is in the committee with Senators Hatch, Cornyn, and Thune, all powerful, experienced members of his party he can learn from.  Scott has used his position in this committee to introduce another part of his Opportunity Agenda, the LEAP Act, which seeks to increase apprenticeship through government funding.  In speaking to national news powerhouse The Washington Post, Scott said about the LEAP Act, "it will help ensure the next generation of employers can help the next generation of employees." Scott's position in this committee does not just limit him to advancing his Opportunity Agenda, it allows him to position take and credit claim on the various important issues this committee goes through yearly.  This year, the Committee has introduced bills dealing with abortion, the IRS, and Obamacare, which I think will be a continuing big issue depending on the Supreme Court's ruling.  In this new Congress, Orrin Hatch (UT) serves as Chairman with Ron Wyden (OR) serving as the Ranking Member.  This committee has a long history as being a vital committee within Congress, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 

Scott's Subcommittee Assignments include:
  • Chairman, Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development
  • Member, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
  • Member, Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment

Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP)

The Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions deals with issues mainly in these four areas, but several other related one as well.  Other important issues the Committee deals with include child labor, student loans, public health, and equal opportunity employment.  As I touched on in the blog about Scott's Congressional strategy, a large part of Scott's focus is on his Opportunity Agenda.  Part of this, the CHOICE Act deals with allowing more say for parents in where their children receive education, amongst other things.  Maybe due to the fact that Scott had previously served on the Committee, he proposed the CHOICE Act within the Committee at the start of the recent session.  So Scott being in this committee clearly helps him advance part of his largest agenda issue.  According to the Committee's hearings list on their website, the Committee has recently dealt with fixing No Child Left behind this year and various issues on Ebola last year.  Alexander Lamar (TN) is the new sitting Chairman with Patty Murray (WA) serving as the Ranking Member.

Scott's Subcommittee Assignments Include:
  • Member, Subcommittee on Health Care
  • Member, Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy
  • Member, Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight

Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

The Banking Committee, for short, has long dealt with legislation focusing on the country's banks. However, according to their website, the Committee deals in many other areas, all of which affect various important parts of Americans' everyday lives.  Some of these areas besides banking include insurance, the stock markets, and housing.  Newly appointed to the Committee, Scott does not necessarily have a direct link to this committee, I think one can still be made.  According to his website, one of Scott's main focus is to help redevelop the "poorest areas" while preserving the residence of current residents.  Although HUD plays a much bigger role here, the housing and urban affairs part of the committee clearly can play a role into parts of Scott's goals for his time in the Senate.  Since the new Congress was sworn in, this committee has been holding hearings mainly on banking issues while introducing a variety of bills.  One large one, also one that Scott co-sponsored and has been outspoken about, was the Nuclear Weapon Iran Free Act of 2015, which proposes just what it says in its name.  Richard Shelby (AL) is currently serving as committee Chairman with Sherrod Brown (OH) filling in as Ranking Member.

Scott's Subcommittee Assignments Include:
  • Member, Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety
  • Member, Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security

Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

According to the Committee's website, the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee is to study, investigate, and help solve all problems facing American small businesses.  Another chief task of this committee is the oversight of the Small Business Administration (SBA).  According to their website, the SBA has given millions of dollars in loans, contracts, counseling, and other help to small businesses throughout the country for over 60 years now.  The committee has not passed legislation since early 2014.  Instead, the Committee has recently been focusing on holding hearings and events speaking of the importance of small businesses within the country and how to reduce their future burdens.  Scott's position on this committee probably has a lot to do with his past in which owned his own insurance and real estate businesses.  He was once a small business owner, giving him valuable insight to the committee, which was also noticed while he served in the House, as he served on their sister committee while in the House as well as previously while in the Senate.  David Vitter of Louisiana and Benjamin Cardin of Maryland are the Chairman and Ranking Member respectively.  

Special Committee on Aging

Following the recent trend of special/select committees that we talked bout in class, the Committee on Aging originally started out as a temporary committee in 1961.  However, in 1977, the Committee was granted permanent status within the Senate.  According to the Committee's website, the Committee on Aging has acted as a central point of knowledge within the Senate when it comes to issues and matters dealing with America's elderly population.  Being a special committee, the Committee on Aging has no legislative power.  Because of this, the Committee's activities usually include conducting studies, issuing findings, and overseeing related governmental programs.  Currently, Susan Collins (ME) is the serving Chairwoman, and Claire McCaskill (MO) is the Ranking Member.  This issue is important specifically to Scott's home state of South Carolina.  According to a recent AARP report after the 2010 census, with every age group over the age of 60 rapidly increasing, the South Carolina senior population is the fastest growing in the entire nation.  South Carolina's Lt. Governor Glen McConnell called the impending age problem a "gray tsunami" in an interview with local South Carolina newspaper The Post and Courier.  Also according to the report, 42% of this senior population has at least one disability, making the issue even more pertinent.  Because of these numbers, Scott's position on an otherwise less important committee offers him a position on a powerfully relevant topic to his state, which is likely why he had served on this committee previously. The Committee has recently focused on financially preparing the elderly for retirement and preventing scams of the elderly.

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